Create a Survey Link for Existing Survey
Access level: Any Member with Reply on Behalf Permission
To create a survey link for an existing survey, take the following steps:
1. Ask > Modify a sent survey
2. Identify the appropriate survey and click Edit under Modify the Survey
a. May need to use filters to narrow down viewable list
3. Identify the appropriate recipient, and click the box under Select
4. Click Reply to Survey in the Blue Ribbon
a. This action opens the live survey
5. Copy the URL / link shown in the browser
a. This is the recipients personalized link to the survey
6. X out of the survey window as soon as the URL / link is copied
7. Paste link into correspondence to client
Note: Because you have used the Reply on Behalf permission to generate the survey link, the system will state that the answers for the survey were collected by an alternate method. It will also indicate this by adding a * next to survey status.