Modify a Sent Survey

Access level: Any Member

To modify a sent survey, take the following steps:

1.       Ask > Modify a sent survey

2.       Set the Filter(s) necessary to display the appropriate surveys

3.       Identify the appropriate survey and click Edit under Modify the Survey


4.       Under Edit General Options, make the desired changes

a.       Options Include:

                                                               i.      Phase / Event / Subject

                                                             ii.      Service Provided

                                                           iii.      Primary Recipients Role

                                                           iv.      Your Clients Role

                                                             v.      Sender

                                                           vi.      Project

                                                          vii.      Sender Email

                                                        viii.      Close Date

                                                            ix.      Reminder Date

                                                             x.      Edit Reminder Text

                                                            xi.      Allow the recipient(s) to invite additional people

                                                          xii.      Categorize this survey with custom tags

5.       Click Update

Note 1: Some permission levels cannot modify a Survey for which a recipient has submitted responses. Please contact or 866.433.7322 for assistance with questions regarding submitted surveys.

Note 2: Client Feedback Tool cannot modify a Sender or Sender Email address for a survey invitation or reminder that has already been sent. If you are modifying the Survey Sender and/or Survey Sender Email address, changes will apply to any Reminder sent after the modification.


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