Send a Feedback Request - Options Detail
Each action available within each Option of the Send a Feedback Request process is provided below.
Optional - Review the Questions
You can drag and drop any question to change the order in which the questions are asked
You can remove any question not pertinent to the current survey by unchecking the box next to that question (some firms disable this feature)
You can add a custom question if there is something not covered in the template questions provided (some firms disable this feature)
o When adding a custom question, be mindful of the following:
This is an open-ended question only (no scale attached)
It is recommended to not ask questions to which you should already know the answer
Keep the question focused on the client do not ask self-serving questions
Keep the question broad to allow for more responses do not back your clients into a corner by being too specific.
You can print a copy of the survey for your records and/or use
Optional - Schedule Survey for Later
Schedule survey to be sent later? Yes / No
o This places the survey in the Survey Queue until the specified send date
o By selecting yes, you open up the calendar option so you can choose a future date for your survey to be sent
Underneath that calendar, you can choose to have that survey be sent:
One Time
Weeks (recurs each week)
Months (recurs each month)
Quarters (recurs each quarter)
Years (recurs annually)
Notify sender when survey is sent? Yes / No
o Regardless of the individuals alert preferences, this will send an email notification to the sender of record once the survey goes out
Remind sender before the survey is sent? Yes / No
o By selecting yes, you open up the second calendar option so you can choose a date prior to the survey send date to remind the sender
Within one week is typical
This allows the sender of record to go into the Survey Queue and edit / delete the survey as needed (or ignore and the survey will go out as scheduled)
What happens on the scheduled date?
o Survey will be sent
o Survey expires without sending (the system will delete the survey from the queue unless someone selects Send prior to the scheduled send date
Optional - Select Recipient Options
Calendar Option 1: Change the deadline for this survey (e.g., the survey close date)
o The date provided is based on your firms default settings. You may choose to change this date.
Calendar Option 2: Send a reminder before expiration
o The date provided is based on your firms default settings. You may choose to change this date.
Changing this date is beneficial when you are sending/scheduling a survey to go out on a Friday or Monday. Response rates are lowest on these days of the week. It is recommended to more the Reminder date to a Wednesday, followed by a Tuesday or Thursday
Allow the recipient(s) of the survey to invite additional people? Yes / No
o By selecting yes, you can allow the recipients to invite others into the survey
Recommendation is to select Yes
This is beneficial when there are other individuals working on a project who may have feedback to provide
Send a reminder to the recipient(s) if they have not responded? Yes / No
o By selecting yes, a reminder will go out to the recipient according to either your firms default settings or the date you provide on the calendar options 2 to the left
o Edit Reminder Text
The system / preferences default will be used if no change is made
o Save these options as your defaults for future surveys? Yes / No
By selecting yes, you choose to change your preferences for future surveys sent for Allowing recipients to invite others, Sending a reminder, and the Reminder text
Categorize this survey with custom tags
o Allows you to provide custom tags you can use to filter your data set
o Reference document: Categorize Sent Survey with Custom Tags
Optional - Edit the Email Invitation
Survey Name = The name of the survey template you chose
o This field can be overwritten / added to
o It is recommended to leave this field as is because it provides situational context for the recipient
o If your firm has multiple brandings / logos, you can choose from the drop down an alternate branding for the current survey
From = the Sender of record for the current survey
o It is recommended to leave this as the Senders email address
This provides the most personal and identifying communication
o Alternatively, you may choose to send from a Generic Email address which will appear to the recipient as coming from
Subject = The name of the Project you selected
o This field can be overwritten / added to
If you choose to use a different subject line for your email, it is recommended you use something that will catch the recipients attention
o It is recommended to leave the Project Name as it appears and possibly add Feedback Request to the end
Survey Invitation
o Only the text inside the box under the Give Feedback button can be edited
o It is recommended you leave the verbiage already listed intact
o To personalize your email, you may add text to the beginning of what is already listed
o Be mindful of the text you include when sending one survey to multiple recipients. You do not want to address one person, as ALL recipients will see the verbiage you insert.
If you are sending to multiple recipients, you can personalize with their name by inserting the following for the greeting (type all, include brackets):
o You can Preview your message by selecting Preview
After previewing, you can make additional edits by selecting Edit
o By selecting yes for Save this message as your default for surveys? you reset your new survey invitation messaging as the default preference for all future surveys
o Under the entire email invitation, there is a check box. By checking this box, you will suppress the current survey invitation
Only recommended if you are sending multiple surveys to one person in the same day
Optional - Edit the Thank You Message
Only the text inside the box can be edited
This message can be overwritten / added to
By selecting yes for Save this message as your default for future surveys? you reset your new Thank You Message as the default preference for all future surveys